Toothbrush Care: A Few Facts

As you probably know, brushing your teeth is an extremely important part of your oral hygiene routine. You may have also heard that brushing your teeth can actually help you protect the health of your entire body. If you don’t brush well, you may experience a number of issues--but did you know that if you don’t care for your toothbrush... read more »

Between Your Teeth

You probably know that there are a few things you should do every day if you’re interested in preserving a healthy, attractive smile. Flossing, which may be overlooked more frequently than brushing is, is important because food caught between your teeth can lead to decay. But, as you know, there are a few options available for removing food between your... read more »

Tobacco: What Happens to Your Teeth?

When you think about the problems that could be caused by smoking or chewing tobacco, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Did you think about what smoking can do to your oral health? If so, you aren’t alone. Your dental health is a concern, but what about your oral health? One of the first things you should... read more »

Care for Your Teeth . . . And Your Toothbrush

Do you visit your dentist regularly? Do you floss every day? Do you make a point of brushing after meals, morning, and night? Do you even brush for two minutes at a time? If you do, congratulations. But did you know that there is something else you can—and should—do to keep your smile healthy? To ensure that you have sound... read more »

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

The inside of your tooth holds a soft pulp tissue which contains the nerve of the tooth. This is surrounded by a material called dentin, which is further surrounded by cementum at the tooth root and enamel at the crown. When the dentin is exposed, the tooth becomes sensitive. Here are a few ways sensitive teeth develop. Enamel Loss Enamel... read more »
